So it’s almost time for yet another Writober. I’ve been revisiting some old Writobers and I have to say it’s been quite funny. Over the years there have been, at times, only a couple of us writing and other times quite a few of us from all over the world writing. There are a few of us who have been doing this for many years now. If you don’t know, Writober is a group writing exercise in a way. We agree to write something, anything really, three times a week and send it to everyone on the email list. The goal is to simply write with some regularity in the company of others who are doing the same thing.
I have written complete nonsense. I have written things I had no idea I was going to write. I have surprised myself with what I have written. I have felt irrationally irritated that I have to write something but I try to do it anyway. I have totally forgotten to write. I have been obsessed with an idea and been unable to get it written. I have been just blithering something out because it’s a Monday or Wednesday or Friday and suddenly it turns into something enchanting. No matter what, Writober always does exactly what I hoped it would do when I first started it…it gets me to write words. What happens from there is always surprising.
So I hope that all who join me this Writober get some words written and I wish us all some surprising, irritating, and enchanting writing at the end of it.
Thank you for continuing to coordinate this! Can’t wait.